the key investment areas of the Fund include:
Maritime industry and offshore industry
Transport and logistics
Medical industry
The main branches of investment
Eco-efficient technologies in the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy and fuels and in construction
energy efficiency technologies in construction and industry, renewable energy, Smart Grid, energy storage technologies, technologies related to alternative drive means of transport, technologies related to exploration, extraction and processing of energy resources
Interactive technologies in an information-saturated environment
multimodal human-machine interfaces, IoT, transmission, databases and data security, Big Data, space sector technologies.
Offshore and port-logistics technologies
technologies related to the exploitation of sea resources, vehicles and vessels, devices, techniques and systems for monitoring and purification of the marine environment, technologies for the use of compounds produced by marine organisms, technologies and devices for transport and logistics services in ports.
Medical technologies in the field of civilization diseases and the aging period
ICT solutions, telemedicine and devices supporting the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of civilization diseases, functional and therapeutic food, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, new materials, chemistry and nanotechnology in regenerative medicine and implanvology, technologies and solutions supporting the disabled and the elderly.
Investment criteria
1. Project innovativeness
The project concerns technological (product and process) innovation..
2. Industry profile of the Fund
The project is consistent with the industry profile of the Fund (areas of Smart Specialization of the Pomeranian Voivodeship).
3. Company headquarters
The entrepreneur has a seat or intends to establish a seat in the Pomeranian Voivodeship.
4. Definition of an enterprise
The enterprise meets the definition of an SME in accordance with Regulation 651/2014, is unlisted, has been operating for no longer than 7 years and meets at least one of the following conditions:
- is not active on any market (has not made the first commercial sale on any market within the meaning of point 52 (xi) of the Union Guidelines on State aid for the promotion of risk finance investments (OJ EU of 22.01.2014 C 19/4) ));
- has not yet distributed the profits.
5. Exclusions
The entrepreneur is not in a difficult situation within the meaning of point 20 of the Guidelines on state aid for rescuing and restructuring non-financial enterprises in difficulty (Journal of Laws UE C 249/1 of 31.07.2014).
The entrepreneur is not obliged to return the aid, resulting from the decision of the European Commission declaring the aid illegal and with the common market or a judgment of a national or EU court.
Are you looking for an investor?

Send the pitch deck as a ppt / pdf presentation to
When we are interested, we will send you the form and financial model for completion
What we offer?
Business Development
EU funds for development
How do we choose Startups?
1. Comprehensive target market
2. Strong IP (intellectual property)
3. Technology that creates added value
4. A durable and convincing business model
5. A clear path for introducing the product / process to the market
6. Clear divestment opportunities
7. Experienced project team
8. The chances of the project to obtain external funds for further development Investment process (2-6 months)
Investment process (2-6 months)
Detailed analysis of the project (including development of business documentation, midterm selection)

Conducting due diligence (financial, technological and legal) and proposing an investment agreement (Term Sheet).

Conducting due diligence (financial and legal)

Investment decision to conclude an Investment Agreement

Recapitalization of the company (acquisition of shares).
Fund parameters
Fund Capitalization
(no option right)
Value and number of investments
The period of investment and divestment
PLN 30 million
Fund I – NXV 3.0
PLN 60 million
Fund II – NXV 4.0
up to PLN 5 million
investment ticket
max 24 projects
Four years
10 years

NXV 3.0 and 4.0 were established under the Operating Agreements No. 4 / RPPM / 4019/2019 / I / DIF / 218 and 4 / RPPM / 4019/2019 / II / DIF / 219 Financial Instrument – Capital Entry concluded on December 16, 2019. between the Financial Broker (Netrix Ventures Sp. z oo) and the Fund of Funds Manager (Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, which under the Financing Agreement * acts as the Fund of Funds Manager in the Pomorskie Voivodeship).